Queer Times
Today is an experiment in phrasing. Recently I had my biggest success in a blog, which I believe was due to the title alone, so to verify my conclusion I will put the same word in the title of this entry as well. I will also endeavor to make it more entertaining, since the record setting post was rather gloomy. It had started out uninhibited, to the point of being unhinged, but against my policy, I changed everything about the post, taking out all the references to putting a cock in my mouth, and the brief mention of getting my ass fucked. Why I did that was wrong, because this blog is meant to be totally free and honest, and I feel so ahamed for having done that. So what if sometimes I get all excited for a man to get his hands on me and make me do whatever he desires so muchthatIlosealltrackofpunctuation.whycarewhenthere'sanicecockgoinginmymouthandIsuckandsuckandsuckandthenhesaystimeto FUCKYOUHARDOYESFUCKFUCKFUCKME!!!!!!!!!!!! wHY SHOULD i BE ASHAMED OF THAT? I shouldn't be...