Patriotism Is Ironic

I love America, although I must admit that I thoroughly detest most of the people who are running things. Today, I saw the Donald on my computer screen next to Biden, asking the question "Who do you support?" The answer is easy: Biden won, so I have to support him now. He is a fool, and totally bungled the situation in Afghanistan, as well as misjudging what new policies he should put in place, but the fact is that he WON. No matter how stupid I think he is, he is now my President. Sorry, Donald, but you blew the election, and now we're stuck with Old Joe for another 3 years. Until he dies or is defeated, or chooses not to run for re-election, he is our leader. It's a shame that the sanctimonious hypocrites in the Democratic Party did not give Trump that respect when he was our leader, but any true patriot honors the result of the electoral process; otherwise, elections are worthless. That there was eveidence of some shenanigans from Cinton's campaign was a disgrace upon the Democrats, but we must let the wheels of justice grind those unpatriotic idiots into dust, and hopefully the midterms will wipe out their majorities in the the Legislature. We'll still be stuck with Biden, but with Pelosi defanged he won't be able to do too much damage. Personally, I am sickened by anyone who won't support the President. One may hate Congress all one wishes to, but our President is the face of America, and we the people must support him. That's where America has become stupider. Though we know more than people did 80 years ago, people then supported FDR even if they hated him, because he won the election, and that is how it should be. If Trump continues his attacks on Biden, then Trump is an embarassment to our nation, not a patriot who will save America. If the Republicans don't chase Trump away, they stand a good chance of losing out on the possible gains they stand to make off of Democratic bungling. As an anarchist, I suppose I don't much care either way, since politics is of minimal importance to the health of the nation, and the less politics is discussed, the healthier the nation is. Under anarchy, there would be no politics at all, and the nation would be healthy, for the institutions we rely on would be able to do their work without some dimwit politicians mucking up the works. Of course, since people are inherently stupid, such a system is many years in the future, so we're stuck with the spectacle of the current two-party system too full of their own shit to clean up their own messes. I think this will be the last I ever say about politics, because it is such a bore, but I was compelled to write about it today, because Trump is such a boor. I do think he should go back to Hollywood, where he might do some good and clean himself up after his time in Washington, D.C. Politics brings out the worse in people, as seen by history in how its affected so many people throughout the ages. To think that people choose to focus solely on such a subject is mystifying to me, and it is probably the result of some character flaws on their part, pundits and politicians alike. The focus on such a base pursuit has devalued the family, society's basic unit, and increased materialism, despite all the politicians talking so much about God. It must make God puke to hear such talk from people like that, but I could be wrong. That's the main problem with politicians: none of them are willing to admit they're wrong. If one can't admit that they are wrong, they most likely will never be right.


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