
Showing posts from June, 2023


Down we go now, into the bowels of time, history stretched out behind us, beneath us. Like a drunk choking on his own vomit, there lies the 21st century. So many solutions making all the problems worse, the human race blindly flailed away, destroying all it touched. So much promise laid waste, all innocence victims of its desperate groping through the darkness. Lights shone brightly, bright enough to hide the stars, but all was darkness. It's a miracle anyone survived. Of course, that miracle has been well documented so I won't get into the boring details. All I care to do is to look up and ahead, as thefuture lays before us, gleaming like precious gems, there for any to grab. Despite all our present wonders, things just keep getting better and better.


Add Juneteemth to the list of phony holidays. Only the upper classclasses and public servants get the day off while the rest of us are having our activities curtailed. All because some lazy scumbags in the bad old days were too lazy to do their own work. How sad.