
Showing posts from February, 2023

How dumb

The prevalence of stupid commercials alarms me.

Twins Fashion

I hate to waste a single brain cell on such a mundane thought, but I saw the new Twins hat tonight and it is terrible. Why didn't someone say how much it sucks? Because it is truly rotten. I might have to ignore them this year just so I don't see that hat; then again, I am certain they will have several different hats, since it's a scam sports franchises attempt in order to separate their more imbecilic fans from their money.


Recently I have heard of this thing called simulation theory, that the entire universe is a computer program. When smart people have a dumb idea, it seems to go far beyong the common stupidity that plagues the Human Race. The hypothesis proves Knight's Theorem: 'Educate an idiot, you get an educated idiot.'


The joy of wisdom is transitory. I am foolish enough to consider myself wise, but one bad day or gaping head wound could bring that to an end, and I would be reduces to a snarling beast or drooling idiot, or some idiotic snarling beast that drools a lot. If I escape those horrible possibilities, then there is the spectre of death, which would wipe all the wisdom away. If I wasn't so wise that would make me sad.

Lost in the Kingdom of the Mad

A storm had blown our ship off course, and as it still raged, sent us crashing on the shore of an island unknown to anyone.

No Love Here

If I told you I loved you would you laugh/ and make me cry bitter tears?/ Would you tell me, "Just go away.../ there's no love for you here. There's no love for me here/ where could love ever be?/ I know there's no love here/ There is no hope for me.

The Kindness Of Strangers

I have always depended/ on the kindness of strangers/ to help me get through/ life's constant danger/ I thank you all I thank you all When danger struck/ and the world turned cruel/ strangers were there/ to help me keep my cool/ I thank you all I thank you all My family scorned me/ my friends left me behind/ but in my darkest hours/ strangers were so kind... On the kindness of strangers/ I can always depend/ As long as there are strangers/ I don't need any friends/ I thank you all I thank you all