Time Warp

This would have been yesterday's blog, but the entry for December 6th was written on the 4th, and I neglected to post it, until I upgraded my December 5th entry and noticed my mistake. I am certain that no universe destroying paradox has been unleashed, but if such a thing happens soon, I guess I am the one to blame. How ironic. I am usually punctual, but the passage of time means little to me. Its daily attack on my body and mind goes by unnoticed, except when I occasionally see my reflection. The arts I excel at are temporal in nature, fleeting moments never to be recaptured, an illusion I cast that is soon gone. According to Einstein, in my dim recollection of his work, time can be warped, and it is said that if one could travel at the speed of light, it would barely be felt at all. Very interesting. This is what makes me think of time as a force, that brings down great mountains and brings us to our knees. I really have no more to say on the matter, but I know my time to do anything worthwhile is slipping away. I hate to be depressing, since it is such a drag, but I must rise above my pitiful state that I find myself in while I can still be useful to the corrupt society that bedevils me. The thought that I can make a difference is what keeps me going through all the shit I face daily, but I am belittled by those around me. This blog is a cry from the wilderness, set in stone but temporal in nature, and no one hears my cry, which sometimes makes want to stop, but I've stopped before and got nowhere so I have no choice but to continue. It's like an old Henry Fonda movie I saw, where he talked about having ran away his whole life and now he had nowhere else to run to. I remember Aldo Ray was the villain, but I can't remember the name of the picture, but that's the situation I face now. So where is all this leading me? I have fallen in love with a woman, much younger than me, but she is so beautiful and her mind is sharp; she likes Pink Floyd and Nirvana, and I take that as a sign of intelligence to appreciate such different musical groups. I doubt it could lead anywhere, but at least I'm sure to get some songs out of such a hopeless scenario. That's something to find pleasure in, especially when the depression I fight is seeking to return. I've kept it at bay for nearly a whole month, and it seems to be angry with me for that. I must fight it, because I must rise above the pit I have fallen into. If no will love me, then I must love myself, for that's all I have left.


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