
I am unaware of anything in my neighborhood that I would describs as awesome. It's a grim urban environment, but I like it, though I hesitate to call anything awesome in that area. I reserve that word for truly majestic parts of nature, so I would hesitate to call anything in Minnesota awesome. There are no mighty mountains, and the Mississippi doesn't truly become awesome for another 1000 miles or more. At best, Minnesota has many fabulous aspects; fabulous is pretty damn good, I think. Fabulous sounds kind of gay but I don't care. It's time I got over such minor hangups. Still, I never want to overuse a word like awesome, since the word is meant to describe sights that take one's breath away, not what someone ate or their favorite TV show. I don't mind not living in an area that's not awesome at all, because it's very comforting to be merely fabulous. For example, volcanoes are only found in majestic mountains, which are the epitome of awesome, and it's nice to know that I can go to sleep without worrying about waking up covered with ash.


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