The Dark Lord Smiles

The Dark Lord smiles to see me in such pain. "You thought you could find joy in a garbage dump," he says. "Fool yourself all you you know you can't fool me." I shiver at the words. Naked before him, I cower alone. Is that the reson for his power? His laughter echoes at my thought. "You will never have the friends you need, as long as you are in my grasp, and any moments of freedom you have are because I am toying with you, like a cat with a mouse." I go to the open stage I frequent, and play some variations on a song by a famous band on a stand-up piano. I play a song of my own on a borrowed guitar, then I realize my time is up, and he is out in the audience, waiting for me to take my seat. I am safe with the guitar in my hand, but once I put it down I feel the shackles being placed on me. "Good set," he sneers. "I love how you use the pain I give you to make something wonderful. You should thank me for all the torment I have given you throughout the years." I mutter my gratitude and he laughs. "Pity that soon you won't be able to take it anymore." An old lady compliments me on my performance, never noticing the demon at my side. We have a nice conversation, then I excuse myself and go out for a smoke. I have to be alone with my pain.


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