It's the monst wonderful day of the year! Yes, Halloween has come again, people dress up in costumes, and party. It was an old Catholic practice to Christianize pagan holidays, so just as Saturnalia became the 12 days of Christmas, Samhain became Halloween. Costumes were worn to disguise one's self from faeries, and offerings given to wandering shapeshifters called Pukahs(like Harvey in the movie of the same name). These easily morphed into today's traditions. This is the day when the barriers between worlds are breached by the supernatural, according to ancient lore, a point that was sanitized by Ssmhain's chistianization. The people kept the fun parts. I don't have any opportunity to enjoy the day this year, but I usually ignore the occasion. I should've found a costume today, but I had that whim too late to do anything about it. Next year, when I'm rich, I will throw a party, complete with a flaming wheel and some Druids, because modern life needs ...