tired...so very tired

Damnation all around...I'm buying. The world is going mad; that's the good news. Since society is built on an edifice of lies, perhaps there is hope for us all. Wealth is built from things lacking in any discernible value, the economy itself being fictitious from its very beginnings, so whoever comes up with a truly silly idea would essentially be printing their own money. That's great, I think, a much better thing than what the serious minded fools would have us believe. I'm too tired to encapsulate what it all means, but I am quite sick of the humorless scolds who run the Democratic party. Say what you will about right-wing politicians, they are at least are in touch with the common people, which probably explains how they can be so stupid. But the Democrats want to be perfect, and I resist perfection in all of its permutations, for it is unattainable due to all of the unintended consequences inherit in such folly. The War on Drugs began in order for the good folks to show how much they cared about people, and is grinding to a halt due to the fact that that about all it does is make criminals rich. That no one could foresee that it wouldn't work after America's experience with Prohibition is sad, delusion at its worst; perhaps the leaders at the time thought it could work because it was just a minority having their rights trampled upon, but when something is wrong all the power in the world will not make it right. The best thing to have done would have been to ignore all the hippies smoking reefer, but Nixon gave them free advertising with his draconian policies, and people discovered it was no big deal. Of course, the incarceration industry grew by leaps and bounds, and is now too big to fail, so lives must continue to be sacrificed to the laws that unravel our society, each bust a pull on the loose thread that forms the fabric our lives. Perhaps I am mixing my metaphors a tad too freely, but no matter. I figure that if I keep writing, eventually I will know what it is I am writing about. What is a lie? To be certain, a lie is something said that the speaker knows to be false, but it is never when a speaker says what he believes to be true is false. That's why all the people calling Trump a liar were the ones lying: Trump actually believed all his bullshit, so in all honesty, they should've just said Trump is so dumb that... then have Al Franken come up with some killer punch lines. Biden, on the other hand, does say things that he knows aren't true, which is what has long been known as politics, but unfortunately our liars are hypocrites as well, a bad combination if they expect people to follow their lead. Common people will eventually figure out the lies, but hypocrisy is a corrosive that eats away at the foundation of society, especially when the hypocrisy is taken for granted by all, except for cranks like me howling in the wilderness. I'm very tired, but I will keep howling. Next time I'll just think a little more: instead of the AK-47 in today's column, I'll get myself a nice sniper rifle.


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