Lost Days
With the end of January upon me, I resolve to quit missing days making some kind of noise. Even if it is similiar to a man on a desert island orating to the bugs and trees, it still must be done, if only for practice at putting thoughts together and to let off steam, of which I have plenty. The blog has been useful for the little snippets of creative work I've thrown in there, from little scraps to full songs, and the one I wrote the day I got in touch with the internet suicide hotline I value very highly. Still, the ruins I call life have to be put in some kind of order, and I need to find some kind of direction so I don't just keep wandering around aimlessly. I have considered getting in touch with people from my past, but I doubt it would do me good; is that just shame on my part, or some kind of realization no one ever cared about me? Perhaps it's a mixture of the two, but I don't reach out to anyone new who might think I could be something big. I still have ambit...