Poet of the

So how do I begin to describe what my ambition has contorted into? That no one would ever buy into my mad dreams didn't affect me at all: it was only a sign that success was inevitable. I knew that soon a world that has ignored me would take notice, and the more outlandish I became, the more intrigued that world would be. I will be the antibody to the Human Disease which is a chronic condition for poor Mother Earth; while not terminal, it is progressive, and seems to become more intense with each new breakthrough in science, for indeed, each solution leads to more problems. Mother Earth was betrayed by us when we began agriculture, because that is the root of all the suffering for us and our fellow species in this world. Not that humanity never suffered hunting and gathering, but that lifestyle was in tune with nature's ways, though people were sloppy. The domestication of dogs proves that, but Man and Dog together could live a wild lifestyle easily and were part of Nature. Then people started getting lazy, didn't they?


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