Ideas For A Better World!

To guarantee a better world, I have to attain a high level of success. The fact is if I continue to suffer as I have THE EARTH IS DOOMED. Blame the system. Leibniz postulated that this is the best of all possible worlds, but like Voltaire, I disagree. What would make this the best of all possible worlds would be the new game show I just thought of this morning, called 'Soul Crushing Depression Time.' Win $10,000,000, which will turn out to be impossible, invariably leading to SOUL CRUSHING DEPRESSION! But there will be lovely parting gifts for all contestants. Another idea that the world doesn't know it's been waiting for is a new hero for our age, DRAMA QUEEN! At first, I thought it would make a good weekly television show, but I'm afraid the joke couldn't sustain itself over an extended period, so it might be better as a movie. And when the movie becomes a box-office smash, if someone wants to give me an obscene amount of money and run it into the ground, that's the American Way. It's all about a young housewife and her family, who whenever mild annoyance strikes changes into DRAMA QUEEN! Such dumb ideas can't miss.


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