Time roars ahead, taking all along for the ride. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Even the rocks and the waters, dimly aware of its passage, come along too, certain to always have a place in the march of eternity. The waters might one day be doomed, for it is certain that the sun one day become a red giant, vaporizing everything from Mercury to Mars, but then new worlds will come to life as ice giants thaw out, and new wonders come to pass. Very nice, isn't it? Thinking that way makes me feel impervious to time's merciless grip upon our lives, though deep within, a scientist prophesies doom for the universe that is me. How very sad...nothing to be done but put a party hat on the scientist and keep celebrating each breath, keep dancing to each beat of my fragile heart. I know, we'll make the scientist put on a pretty pink dress and the appropriate undergarments, and dance with my demon and surrender to his insatiable lust. If only that could be manifested in the phys...