Philosophy 101
I have stated before my opposition to anyone thinking that only a college can grant a human the status of a philosopher. It lies in a state of mind, not in one's mind stuffed with a bunch of stuff written over the ages, however valid those writings are today. My dictum is simple: the more that is said the less it means. If people are to be truly wise then they should say as little as possible.
When I write my book of philosophy, it will be short, no more than 150 pages. The greatest of all philosophy, The Tao Te Ching, consisted of 64 short poems, and allegedly was only written because when Lao Tze, the wisest man in China, wanted to leave the country, a border guard made Master Lao write down all he knew before he would be allowed to go.
I don't claim to have such wisdom myself, but I know that the book was a tremendous influence on my thinking, and it has helped me in my life to deal with various dilemma that I have faced.
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