

It's the most wonderful time of the year...o wait that's Christmas, but still, tonight the barriers between the world's weakens, and all ghouls come to feast on the living's limpid souls. How wonderful. I have to comment on Seoul, where people died celebrating a holiday that is not part of their culture. It's as sad as having American football in London; a way to separate the suckered from their money. Someone made money selling costumes and alcohol as well, because when ghouligals come to such your soul it's good to be drunk.

Ruining Sports

Moments after a dramatic 10th inning homerun, an announcer goes to the dugout to interview the player who hit it. Frankly, I don't approve. Anyone not in uniform does not belong there, especially some inane jerk with a microphone asking dumb questions. If that puts me in the minority, great: I love being right about something so wrong.

Ridiiclican Polidisease

I heard some ridiclicans thought nefarious people were going to hand out fantanyl to trick or treaters on Halloween Of course, fantanyl ²will get handed ot like chiclets; opioids starbursting through the minds of young Americans, leaving them vulnerable to progressive ideology undermining the very core of American dreaming. Is nothing sacred? Imagine the chaos: once word gets out about all that free fantanyl, hordes of glassyeyed addicts will dress like Batman, or Napoleon, or Little Bo Peep, or Darth Vader, or any of a thousand other of their fiendish disguises, and when all they get are Kit-Kat bars they'll be enraged. DRUG ADDICTS HATE KIT-KAT BARS! All across America, cities will burn. Sad times for our nation, sad times indeed.


God thinks we're stupid when He watches TV, especially during commercials. Advertising is proof positive that people are as dumb as rocks: first, those who create the ads for thinking that anyone would believe all that bullshit, and second, all the viewers whose intelligence should be angered by that crap, if they possessed any intelligence, who actually fall for that drivel.


'Is there no respect for the old ways?'

James Joyce

Obviously the man was mad.../ maybe that's why I think he's cool./ Great big books full of words/ that no one was taught in school/ The critics all saw something/ that was never there/ I'm sure he's laughing in his grave. If he can laugh I can too/ in the twisted corridors/ of the musyroom/ where the wonders of the world/ are there to be seen/ and never known. Wisdom won kissing the blarney stone

More About God

Who says God has to be large? He dwells in the quantum realm, beyond the feeble imagination of humanity, yet also within. His favorite color is imperceptible to the human eye, seen only during supernovae. He therefore knows all that transpites; with a simple change in vibration, he could lay waste to all that we hold dear.