Ridiiclican Polidisease

I heard some ridiclicans thought nefarious people were going to hand out fantanyl to trick or treaters on Halloween Of course, fantanyl ²will get handed ot like chiclets; opioids starbursting through the minds of young Americans, leaving them vulnerable to progressive ideology undermining the very core of American dreaming. Is nothing sacred? Imagine the chaos: once word gets out about all that free fantanyl, hordes of glassyeyed addicts will dress like Batman, or Napoleon, or Little Bo Peep, or Darth Vader, or any of a thousand other of their fiendish disguises, and when all they get are Kit-Kat bars they'll be enraged. DRUG ADDICTS HATE KIT-KAT BARS! All across America, cities will burn. Sad times for our nation, sad times indeed.


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