I am watching Godfather 2 as I begin this diatribe. It is what made me think of how horrible sequels are. Godfather 2 is well made, but when the action moves to Cuba, that is where it fails completely. The original Godfather was a classic, and its creators should've been satisfied in making a movie perfect in every detail. Instead, they decided to cash in, and though they made a very good movie, it displayed all the flaws usually found in sequels: more of the same, new characters who don't measure up (I'm thinking of you Fredo) and situations that don't make sense. The violence in The Godfather has great impact, because it's Shakespearean in its use. The sequel has more violence and is erratic, even silly.. Of course, as sequels go GF2 is not entirely bad, not like Jurassic Park movies, which deserve an MST3000 treatment, because they are as bad as the movies shown on the Satellite Of Love. In fact, Jurassic Park sequels are worse than Gamera movies. At least on...