
Electric Hypocrisy Could Power The World

Democrats want to save the world, yet a Minnesota representative goes driving her big vehicle through the countryside when she gets frustrated with the government. We need some way to turn hypocrisy into energy. If only we could tie all the politicians into the grid, we could potentially save an enormous amount of fuel. Like when world leaders travel somewhere to discuss global warming: if they stayed home, it would do more to solve the problem than any platitudes they would spout for each other. If we had anarchy, they wouldn't be able to waste resources to make themselves look like they were doing something. Unfortunately, as long as there are so many stupid people, a government is needed. Too bad the government is being put together by stupid people.

Death & Dollars

peace on earth won't pay the bills/ I really need to make a kill/ & if I don't do it/ someone else will/ so it might as well be me/ it might as well be me.

Inappropriate Advertising

On the bus the other day, near Como Avenue, I looked up and saw a billboard that read Proud To Pumpkin. I don't think that's right. While I favor free speech, I don't think it's proper to encourage incest so blatantly. When I was in that area today, I didn't look to see if the offensive message was still there. Even worse, pump kin was spelt as one word, so not only are cousins going to mate with cousins, they will also be functionally illiterate.


Everything looks good on television:/ dead bodies, politicians,/ natural disasters all shine./ If the Elephant Man were here today/ he'd be the sexiest man alive./ Rotting corpses teeming with maggots/ are so damn beautiful/ in the camera's eye./ Even turds can glitter/ on the magical TV screen./ No wonder television/ lulls us to sleep/ as we forget how ugly/ life will always be.

Ugly People

I hate commercials because they don't use ugly people to sell things, save for the occasional fat person. The plastic society that the hippies denounced has maintained its hold on our society. We are doomed. I find myself wishing for an asteroid to strike, or maybe a nice burst of gamma rays. But what about the bunny rabbits? Should they have to suffer because America's insipid culture is an affront to all that is holy? That wouldn't be fair. If only the people could be wiped out, and all the other creatures would survive. For the good of the world, I think it's only proper that the entire human race commits suicide.


He was cornered and saw no way out. A leech had fastened itself to his calf, but the tight space he was confined in gave him no room to reach down and tear it off. Perhaps death would be a good thing, he thought, but in his foolish heart, hope could never die. He sighed. He didn't know if that made him some kind of hero or not. Seeing how he couldn't even save himself, he guessed that he wasn't.

Depression Part 47

A dark cloud descends again. I was fine until last Thursday but now I have what? It's not because of my circumstances because that never changes, but that sure sounds depressing. Maybe tomorrow I'll feel better. If not, I won't be surprised.