
I want to celebrate Cock today and every day really. Just thinking about another man's penis makes me tingle inside!!! In fact, I w0ill use the wonder of the internet to go look at homosexual porn, see some Cock and imagine myself suckling and getting fucked. I shall reteurn, but first I touch my cock for luck. ...a nniiiice long touch..... Well that was much harder then it should've been. I will have to spend some time finding a gay porn site and disabling safe search. Like I'm a 7-year old, not a responsible man who wants, and can handle, to see naked men...oh yes I could handle a nice cock. My, that's so clever I touched my own cock, and I think I will touch my cock again. Why, I was actually holding my cock, giving it a good squeeze while I was thinking about Cock. Allow me to demonstrate: first, imagine a penis and grab my cock with my hand. Penis imagined, my cock will be grabbed as the cock I imagine is in my hand then in my mouth........... then up my ass.............. I say, it's Time to write a gay song I want to suck your cock I want to suck your cock and I'll tell you what I'm such a slut that I want you to fuck my butt come on & fuck my butt sing that last line over and over while you imagine that lovely man's cock fucking you fucking me.....


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