
As television expands to more and more channels, it is producing more crap. In the old days, there was a certain amount of crap, due to the fact that a lot of people enjoy crap, but since there was only so much time to fill, only the best of the crap could be produced. Nowadays, though, shows that would have been shot down after the pilot episode get put on, and the critics actually give them praise, because, obviously, the critics have been bought and paid for. The vehement critics of the '60s and '70s do not have any counterparts today, even in national publications, so they praise stupid programs: dramas with holes in their plots large enough to build a golf course in; comedies that are not even funny enough to be considered droll, and would make 'Leave It To Beaver' seem like the Marx Brothers in comparison. Yet, I see it as an opportunity: the expansion of the market shows no sign of abating, so I am sure I should be able to find someone willing to put my ideas on screen in some context. We won't even use a script; that will save money, and no need to rehearse, saving valuable production time. Just set up the cameras and have someone yell "ACTION!"


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