Readings on Technical Matters
I read on the internet that a company is seeking to develop Nikolai Tesla's invention to get energy from the Earth itself, without fouling the oceans or taking off the tops of mountains. I am very glad to hear of this, but it is not enough. This should be common knowledge, but instead the options mentioned are all centralized, increasing the power of governments and the banking industry, two of the biggest culprits in the ravaging of our fair Earth. Both institutions deserve to be knocked down, not given new opportunities to profit off of the credulity of the masses, but the media seem willing to play along, to make these criminals look like saviors. I am going to make some noise about this, since I feel the Establishment is taking us all for fools, trying to make us fall for their con game working the climate. Even more sickening is why a country like China, which has little oil of its own, doesn't develop Tesla's work, when it would put them above the West in short order? Is it just to keep their people under their thumb? Truly, lack of imagination must be e prerquisite for a government job, because no one who works for, or with, government has any imagination at all, only seeing it as it was and thinking it will always be so.
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