J.P. Morgan

The man most responsible for the wretched condition of the planet Earth is renowned financier J.P. Morgan. When Nikolai Tesla found a way to get energy directly through the air, Morgan was upset, for he could figure out no way to charge people for how much energy people would use, so he pulled his funding away from Tesla, whose energy tower burned down soon after. This has to surpass even the slaughter of the buffalo for all-time great ecological horror stories, and it's sad to think of what might have been. Millions of square miles would have remained unspoiled, as there would have been no need to pump oil except for the petrochemical industry, but the banksters would have lost out big time. No more loaning out billions to oil companies so they can drill more holes. Yes, the rape of Earth has been a lucrative business for the banking industry, one it is loath to give up soon, and now it can make more loans for turbines and solar cells, too. I have nothing against wind and solar power, but they are inefficient, taking up too much space for the energy they produce, and are limited in their capacity. The world will never know what it lost, and every scientist who tried to continue Tesla's work found himself threatened and his work destroyed. It should be easy enough to have some meter put in each home, so how much energy was used could be measured, but instead the powers that be remain ignorant of this important discovery, perhaps willfully so. As long as we need this energy model, the people are beholden to their leaders, and if keeping the people in line means wiping every other species off the face of the Earth, then so be it. I will have more on this issue in future reports, because it sickens me that no one even mentions this, the only solution to our power needs and to the health of our planet.


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