Pot Puree

I believe the title is misspelled, but pot puree sounds like it might be delicious. I wonder if there are any recipes available for it on the internet. Maybe I'll search for it later, but right now my purpose for this entry is to clear my mind of things I have been concerned about, and to plant seeds for future entries and other endeavors. Donald Trump...remember him? He keeps hitting me up for donations to save America, but when I reply that I am homeless, he just sends more requests for the money I don't have. I also give him great alternatives for how he can live a better life, but he ignores that as well. With his money and crass demeanor, he is perfectly suited to be a big-time Hollywood mogul, where America's real power lies, but he wants to go back to the swamp. I'm starting to think he has got the hots for Nancy Pelosi. I sent him a response today when he asked for more money that she hasn't been lovable for 25 years, but he must think she's one fine chick. Imagine that. Nancy and the Donald getting it on, each insult they spew at each other just getting them hotter as they do the wild thing. It's kind of sickening in a way, but I think they would make a cute couple. Perhaps in the future I will call for all of America to demand that they have a torrid love affair. Maybe that's the only way to save America. Speaking of other politicians, Senator Amy Klobuchar blew me off when I complained that my gaming apps aren't sending me the money I was promised, and then last week I saw her on the front page of the St. Paul Pioneer Press trying on a silly hat. Here one of her constituents has been sleeping on the street, and she has no time for me, but some foreigner shows up with a silly hat, she has all the time in the world. I find that conduct to be a gross abuse of her power, and I will be calling her soon to let her know. Had she done right by me, I could have thousands of dollars, get a nice place, and be reunited with my kitty friends, who were sent up north for their safety. But she didn't give a damn about me, and I intend to let all of Minnesota know about that. After she loses her next reelection bid, she'll have plenty of time for silly hats. I am listening to Beethoven's Piano Trio, Opus 97 (The Archduke Trio), and I admit I have not been listening to enough of the old Ludwig van lately. Stravinsky, Debussy, Brahms, Prokofiev, even Rimsky-Korsakov, but it's been weeks since I've let Beethoven perform his magic on my soul. This sublime piece of chamber music is doing me good, and it is nearly accidental I am hearing it now. I had it on a list of mine, after Debussy's The Children's Corner, and I just had to hear Golliwog's Cakewalk, the final piece of Debussy's classic. After that silliness was over, here comes Ludwig, a fine juxtaposition if there ever was one. So not only do I get to listen to one of Beethoven's best works, I also get to use juxtaposition in a sentence. Now I've done it twice! That feels so good...it's been months since I've had that opportunity, and today I get to use it twice. Life is good. A bug is walking across my keyboard. Now he's on the mouse. And now, he has wandered off. I wonder if that has any significance. It was a brown bug, with a back that looked like a shield, and he paid little attention to me. Why he is living at the Highland Park Library I have no clue, but I carefully typed as he passed by, and I'm sure he appreciated my tolerance for lower life forms. Bugs are cool. I guess that's all for now. Nothing left to do but ponder what kind of meat one would serve with pot puree. Perhaps country style pork ribs, or a nice beef tenderloin. I don't think chicken would work. As for the bug, he's walking on my bag now, obviously a sign of some kind. I will consider the possibilities at some later date.


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