Nothing To See Here
As Amy Klobuchar puts on silly hats, the scam artists on the internet perpetuate their fraud. I'm convinced that the grifters said to her, "Senator Amy, here's a bunch of silly hats for you if you let Thomas suffer and let us keep lying." To which she replied, "You betcha." If one of her wealthy constituents had called her with a problem, I assume she would've got right on it and did something. But that's politicians for you: if you can't contribute to their campaign, you might as well not exist, because to them, you don't. Of course, she has not heard the last from me. It's been a few weeks since I talked to someone in her office, and the nice man I talked to her seemed interested, but he was only pretending. With acting like that, I'm sure he'll be appearing soon in King Lear or Long Day's Journey Into Night, because insincerity is a core attribute of the Democratic Party. I'm sure if I talked to a Republican, I would have been told, "Get a job, ya bum. We don't give a shit about your ass so don't call again." I would have preferred that: heartless, but honest. Also wrong, but at least it would be honest. The correct response would be, "Thank you citizen for bringing this to our attention. We shall enact legislation to end this horrible injustice as quickly as possible."
The whole thing disgusts me. I should be set financially, but instead I am misled and left to rot while my duly elected senator cares more about getting to wear silly hats for photoops than doing her job. Instead of acting on a problem, our legislators play to the gullible public with their grand ambitions to cure all our problems at once, when they should take care of bite-size problems such as I have described which they can take concrete steps to taking care of. Meanwhile, I still search for a game that will keep its word, without much luck. I see the same ads used for different games, big winners from one game suddenly in an ad for a different game. They claim the money won will go instantly to PayPal, then you find you need $300, $500, $1000 or more to cash out, then you find yourself in a long line to get your money, by which time you could be dead or on the first manned spaceflight to Mars, whichever comes first. One would think that the bleeding hearted liberals would be shocked by such blatant fraud, but liberals are incapable of taking care of problems; they are only capable of crafting solutions which create more problems.
And wearing silly hats. One must never forget the silly hats.
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