
At times, I find solace in my horrible freedom. To go wherever I want, whenever I want, there's a joy in that, as long as I don't dwell on the fact that I have nowhere to go to, and no one to care. I know I can survive, but, damn, that's not enough. I wonder if I should commit myself, but I don't want any strangers in my head: it's already crowded in there. Psychics try to help, but they cost money, even when they say it's free. I can't begrudge them trying to make a living, because people gotta live. Some that I pass by in my daily travels don't seem to like the fact that I live, but I do, if only to spite the sanctimonious jerks. People like that seem to think they're better than me, but, here in America, no one is better than anyone else, whether it be the CEO of a major corporation or some bum in the street. Happiness comes to those who let it into their hearts, and possessions are no guarantee of joy. That is my message to the world. I just had a great idea: I will seek out the rich who don't want their stuff looted by the incompetent government and ask them for money, that I will give directly to those in need. That seems much more efficient, having someone hand out money directly, than the present system, with an army of bureaucrats taking the money people could use, and tangling those in need in red tape. Imagine if Jeffery Bezos gave me a million dollars to distribute to those in need, and whatever was left at the end of the day I would get to keep. That's a true utopian solution, far better than any solution that a dim-witted politician could think up. That would be the best answer possible, since government declared war on poverty over 55 years ago, and poverty is winning. As I have theorized, every solution brings more problems, and the more complex the solution, the greater the amount of unintended consequences. The ironic thing about freedom is that it takes a great amount of self-discipline to deserve it. If one can't control onesself, then that one will be controlled by others. While freedom is the most valuable thing, one should never forget that we are a social animal, bound to certain rules and expectations, and for the good of all, one should be willing to delay gratifying one's desires. If all would remember this basic rule of society, then we wouldn't need any politicians, just a small military force to keep those pesky Canadians from trying to take that small section of Minnesota that juts above the rest of the border; I'm sure it must annoy them all to Hell. I know it would piss me off if I lived in Manitoba. That's a typical example of the bonehead moves made throughout the ages by politicians. Soon we will have real freedom, the soon being something none of us will ever live to see. When the lines on the map are erased, and we all are in perfect harmony with each other, no more government will be needed, and the ways of war will no longer be taught. Such a beautiful dream, but I dread the nightmare that will come our way before humanity finally learns its lesson.


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