Reading today's news about how Biden has gotten greedy is very sad. The man gets a win but he wants to throw it away because he doesn't get everything he wants. I don't have a penny in my pocket but he thinks a trillion dollars isn't enough. Oh yeah, he thinks if he has $3.5 trillion more then he can help everyone, but it's all a scam perpetrated on the American people, and he doesn't even have enough people on his side to ram it through. If he really cared like he pretends to, he would get the infrastructure bill passed and signed, and get on with repairing all the physical damage this country has to fix, but instead he listens to the more radical elements of hs party, because he's not a real leader, he's a foolish old man who wants to think he's hip. Attention Mr. President: you weren't even hip back in the 70s, and have never been more than someone who crests on whatever wave he comes across, thinking he can survive whatever trouble comes his way. What a fool. He's as dumb as Trump and nowhere near as funny, and the fact that only mediocrities become President anymore shows that the republic is in decline. We haven't had a good President since Clinton, and the jokers who have abused us in the 21st century should never have been allowed to be on a school board, let alone the most powerful office in the world. Bush the younger was an imbecile. Obama was a pretensious narcissist. Trump was a buffoon. And now Biden...I will withhold a description for now, but he's possibly a combination of the worst qualities of the previous 3 clowns we've had to endure.
When an empire is in decline, it's usually because the leaders become mediocre and the institutions responsible for daily life crumble, which is where we are now, much like Russia at the end of the Romanov era. There's a reason that anarchy is the best system of government, but since people are stupid they usually follow some fearless leader type. The people don't need government to hassle them, to make phony promises; what little we do need them for they no longer can do. The trillion dollar infrastructure bill is an example of what government is supposed to do, and now that fool Biden wants to delay it for something that government shouldn't do because it's something that always backfires. I am sick of it. Time to throw away my newspaper and find a place in the woods somewhere, where I am not bombardedby the non-stop foolishness of the two-party system. I am disgusted by the whole sorry mess.
Final verdict on Biden: he is a fool. I'm glad my dad never lived to see this mess, but it sucks knowing all his sacrifices for his country only enabled the current power structure to totally pervert what America was meant to be. The monster in me wants action, but I am a peace loving man. I will just go somewhere to puke.
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