3 Days Without A Phone

In this day and age, is there anything sadder than someone who lost his phone? In the old days, when someone lost a phone it meant their house burned down, taking the phone with it. Now the phone is with you constatly, an extension of one's being, and to lose the phone is to lose one's self. I have to rebuild my contact list, most numbers forgotten, and notes are gone too. There's also the worry about who found the phone. They could have done all sorts of mischief, and discovered my inner self. All sad possibilities, but I must've been lucky, for it seems all is fine, at least as far as my blog goes. No interjections, snide comments or dirty tricks, at least as far as I've seen so far. However, all my apps that won me money are gone. I had over $100,000 in PayPal and Amazon. If I had been paid when they said, I would be in good shape but instead I am fucked as fucked can be.


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