Vaccination and the Decline of Western Civilization
I don't understand why so few people want to be vaccinated. It takes 20 minutes, sometimes cash is offered, and it will keep a tube from being shoved down your throat. What's not to love? Yet, some people refuse vaccines, including those who went to major universities. That's right, I'm talking about Kirk Cousins, the Vikings quarterback. Given a choice between some dim thought in his brain and no vaccine, or ensuring that he will be there for his team and the vaccine, he chose dim thought. Is this what individuality leads to? That some put their misconceptions ahead of the group? The truth is when you join a group of any kind, one has to accept the same conditions that other members of that group operate under. Otherwise, the cohesion that leads to success is undermined, if not destroyed outright. My dad's generation would've rolled up their sleeves and all got the vaccine by now, but modern Americans have become selfish and lazy, and dumber than ever. The only thing that's happened to Americans is we have gotten so enamored of our own thoughts, that we don't know we are being stupid.
The trouble is that people think when thought isn't necessary. They look a gift horse in the mouth, sees it has one cavity, and up walking ten miles into town when they could have had a nice ride. That's the whole vaccine brouhaha in a nutshell: some people, convinced that they are smarter than others, have a dumb idea, and Americans, never the best at thinking in the first place, can't see the flaws in their argument and swallow it whole. If they were patriotic, they'd get jabbed; if they were smart, they'd get jabbed; if they cared more about others than their own lame asses, they'd get jabbed. The fact so many refuse the vaccine I take as a portent of doom. How do we expect to stand up to a vital, energetic China on the move when so many can't get their shots? I don't think we can: America has officially become totally stupid, no matter how great our technology is. Our educational system can cram greater volumes of knowledge into the brains of the young, and yet it can't produce people who know how, or when, to think. Individuality is no longer about freedom: it's about certain people who want to feed their own egos by coming up with inane theories that get accepted by other egomaniacs who can't accept obvious truths, because they have to think about something that is obvious. Of course, to prove how smart they are, they pick the new shiny thought that is just a highly polished turd, totally unworthy of respect by any functioning mind.
Yes, we are doomed. I accept, therefore, the wisdom of the Chinese, and will begin work on a new Broadway musical baased on Chairman Mao's Little Red Book. It should be ready in a few years, right about when the Red Army will be marching into Times Square. I know it will be a hit. Is that what you want, stupid Americans? Okay, here's the first verse of one of the showstoppers.//
Power comes from the barrel of a gun/
that will make the paper tiger run./
We are gonna have so much fun/
cuz power comes from the barrel of a gun.//
This show is definitely going to be a smash. It serves America right.
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