The Monster Behind the Man
Speaking for myself, I am shocked by the lack of good judgment on the part of Thomas. I can guarantee you that today there will be no perverted sexual conduct, or any whining. It is too bad this permissive society has encouraged such behavior on his part, but I am here to make sure nothing will happen, and if it does, he will hate himself even more than he does now. No one wants a transvestite to tell them how to live; I know I am sick of it. Especially a poor, rundown old queen who never joined the lagibatique community, and I made sure of that. I find all that talk disingenuous, a fiction, and if it's true at all, he will never get to know. I'll see to it that he dies in the street like a dog before his lips touch another man's cock, and that he wears coarse, unfashionable clothes instead of anything nice. When myself talked to I a few weeks ago, there was so much talk about love, but there will be no love here, no joy, not even sorrow. Just a blank, unfeeling background he will traipse through, and to hell with him if he doesn't like it. If he had listened to me he wouldn't be here now, losing control of his mental processes to a cold, unfeeling monster, but that's better than losing it to a former member of the court of Marie Antoinette, who forced her way into his psyche and gave him the desire to feel the strength of a man. It's hard to write that without arousing her desire, but myself can keep that bitch in line. It'll be off with her head before she ever gives head, I will tell the world right now. Poor Thomas is doomed, with no real friends, a family that gave up on him long ago, and a world that doesn't even know he's alive. Serves him right for being a coward and a fool, since a coward shouldn't be foolish, and a fool should have enough courage to show the world his true colors. I'll make sure he runs away from any love, then write more weepy ballads about how everyone is so mean to him. Boo hoo hoo bitch.
The sun is setting/
and I need shelter/
not just a roof over my head./
The moon is rising/
and I still am nowhere/
just one less day before I'm dead.
Don't wake me...all I have is the dream...
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