Outlawing the Lies
It's been weeks since I've played any gaming apps on the internet. In a previous entry, I detailed how all those games would say you won, yet did everything possible to keep you from collecting any money. It occurs to me that I can't be the only one affected. If only 1 other person is hurt by these con artists, it's wrong, but if it's thousands of people, it's an abomination. I believe it's a matter for the United States Congress to solve, without delay. Why do they tolerate the fleecing of Ameicans? After giving us billions, one would think they would close the loopholes these companies use to keep Americans from enjoying the money our citizens supposedly won.
Start by making companies honor their promise to let the winnings go automaticallly to people's paypal accounts. Also, investigate if paypal and google are in on this con game. If some game claims to have successfuly sent me $4900 and it never gets to me, where did the money go? Why do they do nothing but enable the charlatans who take advantage of the desperation of the underclass?
I recommend that anyone negatively affected by these companies contact their elected representatives. I will be doing so, starting tomorrow, and will report on my results in future entries. I didn't want to waste space on such trivial concerns, but there is a principle on line here, that people must stand by their word, and those who don't much be exposed and forced to make good on their promises. If these grifters are forced into bankruptcy in order to keep their word, it's only the heavy hand of justice swatting the annoying gnats of fraud. That is something that must be done.
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