By the Way...

Today, I will try to look beyond myself, to the world I never made. Many things are happening, and I have gotten to the point that I may decide to quit reading newspapers once and for all. The last time I quit reading newspapers was in 1988, when Bush the Elder was running for President, and I was so sick of the fact that no alternatives to the Bush/Dukakis choice were explored in depth that I went 2 months not reading the paper, not even the sports section. The feeling has returned, not because of some campaign, but by several disturbing trends I have noticed in the reporting of the news. One trend I have noticed is that when Trump was President, every inaccurate statement was deemed a lie. Now that Biden is President, every lie is just an inaccurate statement. Is this because Trump began as a regular citizen, and we are supposed to be honest, and Biden has been a career politician, and they are supposed to lie? I believe there's something to that, but the deeper problem is that American news media no longer reports the news, so much as publishes propoganda. It started in the 80s and became more blatant over the ensuing decades, becoming shamelessly so during Trump's reign. Had the news of his activities been reported straight, people might have abandoned him. Instead, he was the victim of harmful propogandizing, done so clumsily that it only increased his stature. Nothing was made of the Democrats refusing to work with him, but he was painted as a dictator when actually he was less of a dictator than Obama was, or Biden has been so far. That deceit continues, and they keep Trump in the picture as something to scare Democrats with, so they follow Pelosi and Schumer lemminglike off the cliff our prosperity is headed for. Am I the only one to notice this? It seems so obvious. I don't like either major party, but I despise propoganda and I know it when I read it. Therefore, I will just quit reading it, but then who knows what new outrage our enlightened intelligentsia will perpetrate next? I am so hungry. I had $100 on Monday, and then some dumb cop makes my cousin Vanessa get a towtruck to take her vehicle 2 blocks to a gas station when all it needed was some gas, and there goes $90 I planned to spend on food and clothes. It was pay now, or pay more later, which isn't much of a choice. I think that's one reason people hate cops, because they back up the politicians, who live leechlike off the endless cycle leading back to the people always getting screwed one way or another, with a compliant media shoving the idea that the people are all stupid down our throats until we gag. They do this by using big words wrong: I believe I stated this earlier, but the misuse of the term existential by the media today is a case in point. It's such a big word, no one knows what it means, and it does make things sound scarier. It's perfect for making us seem stupid, so stupid that we should be grateful for any bad idea that our leaders want to use the propoganda machine for to make sound good. It makes me sick. So from now on, I'll just ignore the whole nonsense and encourage my fellow Americans to do the same. If all the news outlets go under in the next 5 years, there will be hope for America yet. I am fooling myself of course, because the big news industry will find a way to keep messing with our minds, to the point of bringing Trump back, because as much of an idiot as he was, he had good ratings, unlike Biden. We're not talking popularity ratings, we're talking about keeping folks glued to the set, eager for tomorrow's morning edition. I've tried to tell Donald to just give it up, that politics makes good people bad, but the adulation of his fans and contempt of his critics has fed his ego, and he will eagerly jump into the race in 2024. Everyone wants to see that, except me, who just wants Donald to be my friend, and take me out for some pizza.


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