And Then, The Deluge

Often, the best thing about my blog has been the titles. They are so good I should offer my services to some big media conglomerate, just sit in my corner office with the mahogony desk and oak paneling and think of nothing but titles. Then writers would come in and they would get the titles they like, to do whatever they wanted with. For example, the title up above could be about Noah and the biblical flood, or it could be about some dystopian future. It's something Ray Bradbury would've loved, and he was a man who loved a good title. Several of my songs started out as titles for more ambitious projects, but when those projects withered on the vine the title was still there, crying to be born, even if just as a 3 minute long song. A good title is like that: titles are very easy-going, unlike most white people. Just what is it about White people that makes them so uptight? Why is it when they decide to take on some noble cause, they are even more unbearable than when they don't care? I think the reason immigrants make it in America is that the White people don't help them, whereas White people have been helping Blacks so much in the last 50 years that the Whites totally fuck things up for the Blacks. I say to you, White folks of America, you are all idiots, and should quit thinking you have a monopoly on wisdom, because you sure as Hell don't. If I was Black, I would hate White people, because I am White and I hate White people. Lord knows, they have fucked my life up, and none of them ever tried to set me straight. The only hope for America is to blend the Whites with all the colors until there are no more Whites, otherwise we would have the disaster implied by today's title. And then, the deluge...starring Christian Bale as some White dude and a cast of thousands. Just add $78.4 million and there you are, a classic tale of a bleak future that luckily is wiped off the face of the earth, which returns to Paradise status once it has dried up and all the White people are gone. Of course, I am too hard on Whites here, because for Earth to ever become a Paradise again, each and every Killer Ape has to die. Sorry, fellow humans, but you've fucked this planet up and are not to be trusted. Look at the American southwest: why should millions of people live where there is no water? It is the arrogance of the Killer Ape that drives this environmental disaster and they won't give up until the whole area has been denuded. That's when the plot kicks in. Christian Bale will earn the populace of their mindless destruction and he will be unable to convince them to move away. But guessed it. Here comes the deluge to wash away their damnable towns, leaving only the Native Americans. The Killer Apes return to the Midwest and Southeast where there's water a d the desert fauna can live in peace and abundance. That's what I call a happy ending.


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