Sick of Yelling

So many people can't settle their differences in a civilized manner. In Japan when people have a difference of opinion, whomever raises their voice loses the argument. No wonder they are so tranquil over there. Here in the U.S.A. though, it seems as if loud, obnoxious behavior is rewarded. I think that's because in Japan, arguments are seen as part of the ebb and flow of life, whereas in America an argument is treated as a competitive event. It all boils down to the fact that Americans, despite their ingenuity, are barbarians beneath a thin veneer of civilization. The culture wars are steadily stripping that veneer away. Each year the rhetoric gets more strident, and the volume increases as the logic is diminished. It's not a healthy situation: in fact, for the good of our nation, I think we should become Shaolin priests. They hardly ever yell, and would only do so in an extreme emergency. An American male will yell just to show American females that he is a healthy specimen.


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