Questions Questions Questions

I have been pondering some lately, and these questions I am about to ask I couldn't figure out on my own, or was too harried and/or lazy to find an answer. If any of my readers have the requested knowledge, please send your information to the comments section of this entry. It will be greatly appreciated. Just because I am a philosopher, that doesn't mean I know anything. Question 1: Was Pravda, the paper of record in the old Soviet Union, as well written as The New York Times? Question 2: In the entire Universe, are supernovas a daily event? It seems that every time I talk to God, He is off to set off another one. Question 3: Who decided to use 'they' as a pronoun for non-binary individuals? Question 4: How could they not realize how totally stupid that is, since 'they' refers to groups and not individuals? Question 5: Has the level of stupidity increased faster than the amount of knowledge which has accumulated in the last decade? Question 6: Why is a duck? Question 7: If I am currently unemployed, why do I not take the time to research these things myself? That I know the answer to, but we need some feedback here, people. Question 8: In what part of the galaxy is being called 'human' considered a vile, slanderous insult? Question 9: In a dream, I kissed Donald J. Trump on the cheek in a non-sexual way. What is the meaning of that? Question 10: Money is a totally arbitrary concept, with no underlying realistic basis. That being so, why don't we raise the minimum wage to $300 an hour? Would that be like when the great Mansa Musa went on his pilgrimage to Mecca and gave away so much gold that the ensuing inflation was beyond control? These are all the questions I have for now. When I receive satisfactory answers for each and every question (especially number 6)I will be a much happier human being. I think the newfound knowledge will help me formulate something so grand that the world will instantaneously transform into a wonderful, magical place, instead of the hellhole that ir currently is. I don't want to pressure you, but let's get on this people. I want action! Let's get the proverbial ball rolling so fast that it vanishes in a burst of light so intense it can be seen from Triton, the Saturnian moon. That's not too much to ask for, is it? Don't bother to answer that last question. I know that one.


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