Little Things That Piss Me Off

Today, I will think of stuff that pisses me off, for I have found that when I am totally depressed, nothing cheers me up like being totally enraged. Let's start with friends and family: that's always a good way to get the juices flowing. My biological family never really cared. If they had, I wouldn't have been able to hide in the dark corners of my mind, drifting away from them until it feels like they were never there at all.I have memories of them, and my brother George has helped me out, but I never felt as if I belonged. It's the same with friends. I love my friends but I don't belong in their lives, and no one from the past comes looking for me, no one in the present cares about me (though Kenny Head Jr. has been a help), and as for the future, I expect more of the same. I blame myself most of all, but that only makes the pain worse. But enough about me: I have issues that piss me off much more than all the people who want nothing to do with the weird kid. I am sick of this culture and it's lack of reason. In the previous paragraph, I used the word they to denote family and friends, but today the liberal intelligentsia would use they to describe transsexuals. How stupid can you get? They describes a group. It doesn't describe one person: it never did and never will. If someone does, it is ridiculous, confusing crap. If someone changes to a different gender, then that's what are: a he or a she, not a them. I bet whoever'started that thinks he was clever, but I contend that the only bigger fools were the people who swallowed that bullshit whole and thought they were so enlightened. Well you're not enlightened. Everyone who misuses they and them is a pernicious threat to the cause of precise communication, all for the cause of your overeducated idiocy. And that's something that really pisses me off: smart people who overthink things, with the sole purpose of making themselves feel superior to us dummies who try to ignore their garbage but get it forced down our throats. All you intellectuals are making us sick, and when the real people get sick of you and tear your edifices of pretension down, they'll take you with it. You will only have yourselves to blame. One last thing: quit capitalizing the first word after a colon, unless it's a proper name. Capitalizing words is meant for the beginning of sentences, not the middle of sentences. It really pisses me off, but it's not surprising. Sometimes smart people are the stupidest people of all.


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