
Internet Fraud: Can It Be Stopped?

I have not eaten a thing for 36 hours, because some internet scumbag offered me a prize for only $5 shipping and handling, then tried to charge me $19.99, for something else that I was not informed of. Why this continues is an indictment of our dysfunctional government, which pursues phony issues while doing nothing about crime being done right in plain sight. Because of this scam, I lost my debit card and have to wait a week to get a new one. I couldn't pay my phone bill, and had to pay my service providers $20 to change my due date, which was all the cash I had. Meanwhile I have $115 I can't touch.

Future Betrayed

The Republicans blew it back in 1865. The leaders of the Confederacy were traitors, and they should've been hung. Treason calls for the death penalty, and by showing mercy to those who didn't deserve it, they helped usher in over 90 years of Black subjugation. If I was Black, I would never vote for either party. The Democrats were the architects of this shameful Era in American history, but the Republicans let it happen and bear a good portion of the blame for their inaction.

Bad Words

I used the word 'nigger' on a comment on a youtube video. I was told after finishing that I had violated community standards, and was given a chance to edit my remarks, but since nothing was misspelled, I declined. So far, I've heard nothing further; for all I know, my comment wasn't even posted, which would be a shame, since it took 18 minutes to write the comment. What I find so troubling is how squeamish Americans have become. That the word has been used in bad faith by many ignorant, hateful people in the past, doesn't change the fact that it is just a word, and it's silly to me that it's okay for rappers to use it, but not for country-western singers.


The rising waters, swirling winds, do not frighten me, for I am solid, unmovable. The currents of the world leave only the slightest mark on me, and the whirlwind passes, finds me where I have always been, waiting for a sign. Once I am aroused, the result will contain more fury than wind or wave can muster.

Bitch Bitch Bitch

One thing I hate is when I want to comment on some music I am listening to on YouTube, and it says the comments are turned off. From Coltrane to Metallica, and all points in between, and it's always very good music worthy of comment.

Oxygenation Is Imperative

Overpopulation threatens the Earth. I believe the worst part is that the amount of oxygen available to each of us is less than in the past. Perhaps that's why we can't perform the wonders common in the past. That argument could be refuted by pointing out today's wonders, but today there is no magic, only technology.

Fuckin' Around

Time to go back to serious writing. Every 3 days won't cut it. I must get back to creating again, not just writing book reports.